Below you will find the addresses for each transition point. Please keep in mind when using these links/addresses on your personal GPS that the route may differ from the Growler Relay running route. You are encouraged to follow your GPS route. The Growler Relay leg routes can be found here.
START: Triple Crossing Downtown - 113 S Foushee St, Richmond, VA 23220
Transition 1: Varina Veterinary Clinic - 1320 New Market Rd, Richmond, VA 23231
Transition 2: Fourmile Creek Trailhead - Farmers Cir Dr, Henrico, VA 23231
Transition 3: Varina Veterinary Clinic - 1320 New Market Rd, Richmond, VA 23231
FINISH: Triple Crossing Fulton - 5203 Hatcher St, Richmond, VA 23231
START: Triple Crossing Downtown - 113 S Foushee St, Richmond, VA 23220
Transition 1: Varina Veterinary Clinic - 1320 New Market Rd, Richmond, VA 23231
Transition 2: Fourmile Creek Trailhead - Farmers Cir Dr, Henrico, VA 23231
Transition 3: Varina Veterinary Clinic - 1320 New Market Rd, Richmond, VA 23231
FINISH: Triple Crossing Fulton - 5203 Hatcher St, Richmond, VA 23231