Below you will find the addresses for each transition point. Please keep in mind when using these links/addresses on your personal GPS that the car route will differ from the running route. You are encouraged to follow your GPS route when driving. The Growler Relay leg routes can be found here for runners.
START: Ponysaurus Brewing Company - 219 Hood St, Durham, NC 27701
Transition 1: Berea Baptist Church - 5011 Fayetteville Rd, Durham, NC 27713
Transition 2: CM Herndon Park - 511 Scott King Rd, Durham, NC 27713
(once parked, proceed to trail entrance between baseball fields)
Transition 3: White Oak Parking Area - 1305 White Oak Church Rd, Apex, NC 27523
Transition 4: Rainbow Child Care Center - 1815 Olive Chapel Rd, Apex, NC 27502
Transition 5: (HALFWAY): Southern Peak Brewery - 950 Windy Rd #100, Apex, NC 27502
Transition 6: Rainbow Child Care Center - 1815 Olive Chapel Rd, Apex, NC 27502
Transition 7: White Oak Parking Area - 1305 White Oak Church Rd, Apex, NC 27523
Transition 8: CM Herndon Park - 511 Scott King Rd, Durham, NC 27713
(once parked, proceed to trail entrance between baseball fields)
Transition 9: Berea Baptist Church - 5011 Fayetteville Rd, Durham, NC 27713
FINISH: Ponysaurus Brewing Company - 219 Hood St, Durham, NC 27701
START: Ponysaurus Brewing Company - 219 Hood St, Durham, NC 27701
Transition 1: Berea Baptist Church - 5011 Fayetteville Rd, Durham, NC 27713
Transition 2: CM Herndon Park - 511 Scott King Rd, Durham, NC 27713
(once parked, proceed to trail entrance between baseball fields)
Transition 3: White Oak Parking Area - 1305 White Oak Church Rd, Apex, NC 27523
Transition 4: Rainbow Child Care Center - 1815 Olive Chapel Rd, Apex, NC 27502
Transition 5: (HALFWAY): Southern Peak Brewery - 950 Windy Rd #100, Apex, NC 27502
Transition 6: Rainbow Child Care Center - 1815 Olive Chapel Rd, Apex, NC 27502
Transition 7: White Oak Parking Area - 1305 White Oak Church Rd, Apex, NC 27523
Transition 8: CM Herndon Park - 511 Scott King Rd, Durham, NC 27713
(once parked, proceed to trail entrance between baseball fields)
Transition 9: Berea Baptist Church - 5011 Fayetteville Rd, Durham, NC 27713
FINISH: Ponysaurus Brewing Company - 219 Hood St, Durham, NC 27701